starring: Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, Betty White, Craig T. Nelson, Mary Steenburgen, Oscar Nunez
dir. Anne Fletcher
To walk into this romcom expecting anything more than what hundreds if not thousands of these movies have given us before would be naive. So how do I discuss a movie I was born to dislike. Well, first dislike is too strong, maybe worse, I'd have no feelings for it whatever.
To walk into this romcom expecting anything more than what hundreds if not thousands of these movies have given us before would be naive. So how do I discuss a movie I was born to dislike. Well, first dislike is too strong, maybe worse, I'd have no feelings for it whatever.
This is very by the numbers and risks nothing to make a single person think that for one minutes these two crazy kids wont get together by the end. Maybe that is impossible. Would the audience for a movie of this type tear the seats out of the theater if there wasn't a happy ending?
The only way to look at this film is using the following criteria:
1. Chemistry of the leads.
2. The jokes.
3. The wacky side characters.
Under those guide lines, here we go.
Reynolds and Bullock are fine together, you've seen worse. Reynolds is especially good when he reacts versus actual acting. he's got a great face when it comes to responding to the over-the-top situations around him. When he opens his mouth, take it or leave it. Bullock gives us exactly what a person wants from Sandra Bullock. A strong woman overcompensating for a heart afraid of being injured. Isn't that who we all are inside. On a side note though, she gets pretty naked and looks stunning. So you keep it up Sandra, the gym does have its benefits.
The jokes tend to fall flat. One or two land, though for the life of me I can't tell you what they are. Most are from the wacky side characters which leads us into...
Betty White. The woman is a comic genius. She's completely wasted in this film but damned if she doesn't give it her all. She has so much energy and spark, she might be more fun to have sex with than Bullock. Honestly Betty, call me.
The other side character of note is Oscar Nunez. You know him best as Oscar, the homosexual accountant from The Office. In this film he plays a small town homosexual business owner. It's a small stretch, I know, but he goes for it. It feels like a role that was written for Hank Azaria and Nunez comes off like a lightweight Azaria in all his scenes.
In a summer that is ruled by special effects and giant explosions, this is a nice diversion. If you're into nice. It is as safe as safe can be and will offend only those who expect something from it. But those people are stupid to begin with. I'd say stay away, but this is a movie that does nothing to damage the quest for real cinema. Its biggest offense is that it's harmless
7 out of 10
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