starring: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey
dir. Duncan Jones
This is a pretty damned good science fiction film. Some of the advanced word had comparisons to 2001 (1968). So when I walked in I was waiting for a head trip. That wasn't what I was going to get, but it wasn't what was intended either. What I first felt as disappointment, turned into a level of admiration as the film continued to roll around in my head for the next few days. When that happens you know there is more going on there. It may not be 2001, it's more of a thinking mans Outland (1981), which in itself sounds odd, but works quite well here.
Sam Rockwell proves that he is one of the best talents working today. He continually gives layered performances and this is no exception. To go into more detail about his work here would give away the key plot of the movie, so I'll just say it's an incredible job and Rockwell deserves major praise.
Director Duncan Jones in his feature debut shows skill with the camera. I was blown away to find out they only spent five million dollars on this movie. It is visually arresting and Jones finds the right moments to sell the world he has created. His decision to use practical effects and models instead of CGI for key scenes is great to see. It ads a tangibility that today's computer work seems to lack.
Last and certainly not least is the score by Clint Mansell who delivers atmosphere and emphasis that drives the the film home and wraps it up into one very tight package.
This isn't going to be opening wide, so keep your eyes open because it's an intelligent piece of science fiction that we don't see a lot of anymore.
8.5 out of 10
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