Friday, December 12, 2008

From Me: The Mission Statement

I was having a conversation today with a friend about a project that we are pondering doing together. I asked the question that I always ask as a future tripper, "Why are we doing this?" I decided to write down why I'm doing this blog in case anyone who stumbles upon it wants to know. I'll also have if for myself since I tend to forget.

I'm doing this to improve my writing, find a style, find my eye. I'd like to try and improve my analytical skills as well as learning how to structure a decent review. There hasn't much improvement, but it is early still. I'm not looking to become any kind of professional critic, but it will improve how I form an argument ad that is something that is important to me.

So every so often I think I'll post a look back at a few of the pieces I've done and give them a close look. Just glancing back I can see I focus more on the acting and directing more than anything else.  Those are the things that stick out the most to me, but I shouldn't keep it the focus of the reviews as I seem to be doing now.

I'd like to work on building my reviews out so they seem more complete. I'm trying to get DVD choices down to tight two or three paragraphs that can summarize and point out its importance without getting wordy. It's like doing different core exercises on a weekly basis. Get all of it into shape. 

I think I'll start writing pieces on reviews I like. Maybe look at how the critic presents it and break down what works for me and what doesn't. Not a bad idea. We'll give one of those a shot and see how it goes.

So onward and upward. Lets see over the next several months how this progresses.

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