starring: Ray Stevenson, Dominic West, Julie Benz, Wayne Knight, Colin Salmon
dir. Lexi Alexander
I will say that the third attempt at a Punisher movie is the best, it isn't a good movie, but the best of the three.
Punisher: War Zone is derivative, poorly paced, poorly written and its worst offense is simply being blah. I know this isn't fair, not like I'd expect high art from a Punisher movie but I ask that they at least try. From a movie like this I wanted and expected one thing. Good kills! That sounds gross and like I have a sick mind (I do), but a movie like this, along the Rambo, AvP: Requiem, mold. The film is going to lack all creativity accept in the way it shows folks spending their last seconds on earth.
For the most part, it's disappointing. There are two very funny and gross kills and others that seem like goofy disgusting fun, but needed a few more frames to let it sink in. This is what the unrated DVD is for, but the rest of the movie is't worth my time to check it out again. See, I may be sick, but if you want to keep me comin' back, you get one shot.
Ray Stevenson is up to plate as Frank Castle this time. He's good and I think I give him extra points just because he was great in Rome. But there isn't a lot to the Punisher character in general, so he either pouts or looks angry. Dominic West plays Jigsaw the baddy. He has an over baked Brooklyn accent and he struts around checking his hair like a Saturday Night Fever reject. He's not much fun and lacks the energy and evil that would make a person cheer at his final, and strangely tame, demise. Julie Benz plays the upset widow who causes emotional turmoil for Castle. She is neither here nor there, but I mention her because she was in the other killfest at the beginning of the year Rambo. I think all that time on Dexter has gotten to her.
I'm actually so blah about it I can't even work up the energy to write much about it. The final word is if you want to see it, wait for the unrated DVD. Then it should have a bit more gore and you can sit around with friends, smoke a bowl and allow yourself to be punished in the privacy of your own home.
3.5 out of 10
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