dir. Roman Polanski
Before Johnny Depp reclaimed his superstar status by playing Keith Richards and Roman Polanski reminded the world that he is a directorial god with The Pianist, they collaborated together on a little film called The Ninth Gate. This is one of those movies that gets better the more you watch it. With it’s roots deep in film noir and gothic horror, it is a superbly executed thriller with a keen sense of macabre humor and Frank Langella turning in a performance that is creepy and hysterical all at the same time.
Depp plays Dean Corso a sleazy rare book dealer who is hired by Langella’s Boris Balkan to authenticate a copy of “The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows.” There are two other copies in existence, so Depp travels Europe to check them out. He basically becomes the Phillip Marlow of the book world as he runs across murder, a witch’s coven and the secret to raising the devil him/herself.
Filled with a perfectionist’s eye for filmmaking and a twisted humor, Polianski delivers a little gem that has been under seen and extremely underrated. The DVD includes a commentary by Polanski, an isolated music score and a making of featurette plus other tidbits. Well worth the purchase because you’ll watch it several times, appreciating it more and more with every viewing.
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