starring: Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupret Friend, Kathy Bates
dir. Stephen Frears
Meh. Which is an awful thing to say about a movie with this kind of pedigree. Directed by Stephern Frears, written by Christopher Hampton and starring Michelle Pfeiffer with subject matter about courtesans during the Belle Epoch, should be the perfect mix. These folks have come together previously for the brilliant Dangerous Liaisons (1988), so any film lover is wringing their hands in anticipation.
Well, it just doesn't come together this time. You have a great performance by Pfeiffer, some solid direction, some solid writing, but it never really clicks. It lacks an energy, or a balance that never lifts this up to even a good movie. It's a disappointment which is more than depressing.
The biggest flaw for me came in the choosing of Rupert Friend. Nothing about him is appealing. He isn't attractive, the performance is one note, never allowing for any kind of depth. Sure, that may be the point of the character, but Friend is charmless as Chéri. It's that lack of charm that makes him repulsive and impossible to understand the attraction that Pfeiffer's character Lea has for him. He's just a pain in the ass, why or how could a woman who has so much sophistication fall for this selfish child. It's not like she needs his money. Maybe he has a huge dick? They never say either way.
There are moments that really shine, but in the end it is a slightly sub-par movie that tries to deliver a dramatic punch with a final shot, that is very similar to Dangerous Liaisons, accompanied by a piece of narration that seems more fitting than tragic.
6 out of 10
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