In all of the posters I've seen there is always the use of J.J. Gittes cigarette smoke helping frame Evelyn Mulwray's face. In most it creates a beautiful hairline and something that gives the feeling of water with the waves in the lower corner creating a frame of the key symbol in the film. It also makes the image of Evelyn ghostly, someone you can't quite put a finger on which really describes her character in the first two-thirds of the film.

When I was checking out Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule, one of the great movie blogs out there, I saw this poster for the first time. It appears to be the German release.

Again, the smoke frames Evelyn's face, but doesn't form hair or the feeling of water like the American version. I think it's the water element that I appreciate so much in the American release, but look at Gittes expression. It's a great look of hardened cynicism. Nothing phases him. That changes by the end of the film of course. It's stunning piece of poster art, even if I find it lesser thematically.
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