This week we say hello to WALT D IN LV. I appreciate his air of mystery by keeping his back to the camera.

I love finding GREAT films,and talking about 'em even MORE. My Friends list is full, but you can SAVE to FAVES me, and e-mail me at so I can send you my notes/reviews as they come out.
(These are direct quotes, nothing has been changed to alter the review.)
"I had no interest in seeing this, but the wife wanted to, so.. Wow! This is an amazing true story not at all holocaustally sad like Schindler's List or The Pianist (both great movies).. This nerve-racking uplifting tale was action, great story, fantastic! So different from most World War II stories, really original, AND it's based on actual people and events! I really recommend seeing this action-packed movie." rated: 5 stars (I give him kudos for inventing the word, "holocaustally" while then using it to offend an entire culture in a single moment.)
"This was one of my most favorite films of the summer (2008). I loved that it had a thrilling story, non-stop action, cool technical mumbo-jumbo, and great acting from these up and coming young stars. Fun stuff! Grab the popcorn, sit back and enjoy!" rated: 5 stars
"Think of this as Star Wars 2 1/2! It fits perfectly between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith as another story of Star Wars. All the prequel main characters are here, and the story is just as good as Star Wars 1 and 2, while not as good as 3 (Sith). A good story with even better action and effects, this is well worth seeing for all Star Wars fans. Don't let the animation keep you from it: This is a REAL Star Wars story! My only lament is that they didn't use the original Star Wars music and theme song or have a John Williams score." rated: 4 stars
"Not nearly as bad as the press would have you believe. In fact, this is downright SCARY at times! The Happening was just as suspenseful-make-you-jump as any Shyamalan film and DESERVES it's R rating! Wahlberg is great bringing all his good-guy type charisma. Spooky, suspenseful, and not for young kids! Good stuff!" rated: 4 stars (Wahlberg has charisma?)
"This movie was far from perfect, but doggone it was really good. The more I think back to it, the more I like it. Doug Liman has a knack for making great movies. Hayden Christensen is not winning any awards for his acting, but he is capable in this role. This is popcorn action flick fun with an original story idea that's not at all predictable. I wish it had done better financially so we'd be assured of a badly needed and deserved sequel. I think it would do to this what Terminator 2 did to The Terminator (expand the story to another level). I really enjoyed this film." rated: 4 stars
and finally
"Exactly what a horror movie should be: Suspense, Violence, Gore, Nudity, all built around a great, intense, gripping story. I gave the original Halloween only 3 stars because I felt it was boring and had no good story. Rob Zombie is a new master director." rated: 4 stars (At least he was honest about not caring for the original.)
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