Saturday, January 24, 2009

From Me: The Sundance Chronicles Pt. 3

Not much in the way of chronicles, I must admit.

There were a few highlights considering I was stuck inside a single building for seven days straight.

First here is a picture with me and a stand up comedian/actor/writer who is also one of the best film geeks I've ever run across. A great cinematic mind with a clear and concise point of view when it comes to discussing movies. He was a treat to interview and a really good guy.

I'm not much of a smiler to begin with, but I look even more dour because I'm trying to hide the excitement of talking to a like minded being. Also (I'm being vain here), what is with those awful fat lines on my neck? Man, I need to work on that.

Here are also a couple of the interviews that I cut together. They each have their charms. These and more interviews can be seen on the Hollywood Life website.

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