dir. Umberto Lenzi
Italian filmmaker Umberto Lenzi threw his hat in the zombie ring with this addition to the genre. A nuclear accident turns a group of people into rampaging zombies. They burst out of a military plane and run, not walk, all over the place and terrorize the human race. Now this isn't my favorite zombie movie, though Tremendo highly recommends it. It does have a few "nice kills" and this is the first time we'll see zombies run. The running wouldn't become popular until 28 Days Later and that would draw rage from the zombie purists. But the purists would say they aren't really zombies either. It's worth a look.
Use this at a party when it turns to a zombie conversation (because it always does): No matter what people say about Romero or Bava, I think Lenzi really upped the zombie ante with Nightmare city
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